Christmas tree care | low maintenance fruit trees in india.


There are many such trees, which work to enhance the beauty of not only the house but also of your garden. One of them is the Monkey Puzzle Tree, which is also known as the Christmas Tree. Most people plant Christmas trees in their houses to see their beauty and also decorate it during the festival. The leaves of the Christmas tree are very sharp. Which is very difficult to touch.12 oxygen trees named in India.

Most people plant this Christmas tree inside the house or on the terrace or in the garden. However, according to the material, there are different benefits to applying it in the house. This plant looks very attractive in a cone shape.{ Trees Plants Info } On the other hand, some people do not take proper care of these plants after planting them. Due to this, its leaves get spoiled. Not only this, many times it dries up in the pot itself. So let’s know how to take care of the Christmas tree. 12 oxygen trees name in india

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